As of writing (2/2/23), I own two (2) Furbys. A 1998 and a 2005. Both were bought second hand and
boxless, but I love them no less.
On the left is my 1998 Giraffe Furby, who I named "Baby." I bought him on eBay summer 2021. He was listed as
working, but when he arrived he worked just fine! In early 2022 I skinned and bathed him.
His details are as follows:
JT C022C 0579B 70-800
"Mr. J"
On the right is my 2005 Caramel Syrup Emoto-Tronic Furby, who I named "Mr. J," since his coat reminds me
of the Mr. J the cat.
My dear online friend Suzy was willing to sell him to me.
His details are as follows:
59294 52591
I think my final goal for my collecting would be to get one furby from each generation/line. I'd like
these ones the most: