by Dr. Vhs/Prof. Pipistrelle

(last updated september 4th, 2024)


Have these downloaded first and foremost.



  1. Locate Corporate Clashes local files. It should be under something similar to [Drive]:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Local\Corporate Clash
  2. Open the "resources" folder, then "default."
  3. Copy and paste all .mf files into a new folder in a different location.
  4. Open Command Prompt and enter the following:
    1. "cd [file path to aforementioned new folder]"
    2. "multify -x -f" starting from 3 (replace the # sign). Continue doing this up until 14.
  5. Find what files you want specifically, and copy + paste these files into a separate, new folder (for easier finding and extracting). Textures are under the correlating phases "maps" folder.
  6. Open Command Prompt again and enter the following:
  7. In Blender, install the Blender-egg-importer. Then import your models.
  8. Save file.

Texture tips

For the best looking/most accurate textures in Blender for rendering, do the following:

An example render. It's Firestarter from Corporate Clash looking closely into the camera. He seems solemn.
  1. Go to Material Properties in the sidebar (orb icon)
  2. Set "Specular" to 0
  3. Set "Roughness" to 1.0
  4. Go to Render Properties in the sidebar (camera icon)
  5. Under "Color Management", set View Transform to Standard (thank you for the tip ttcc staff mailman)
  6. Go to World Properties
  7. Under "surface", change the color to white (this will also turn the background to pure white so prepare for a flashbang.)
  8. If you are creating a transparent render, go to Render Properties once again, and under Film click the Transparent checkbox

Toon ripping tips

Nodes in Blender for a Toons skin color.
Nodes for changing a Toons skin color
Nodes in Blender Toon eyes.
Nodes for making transparent Toon eyes
Nodes in Blender Toon pupils.
Nodes for making transparent Toon pupils