My Webkinz trade list. I don't feel like making a google doc or chart in mspaint every 6 months. I am hotlinking these images from webkinzguide i am not downloading all of these.


Bacon Bone Bamboo Bruschette Berry Berry Smoothie Brine Shrimp Burgers Bueno Bone Burritos Buggy Jelly
Lil' Kinz St. Bernard Pretty Panda Pink Punch Cheeky Dog Tomato Clown Fish Lil' Kinz Chihuahua Lil' Kinz Frog
Candy Corn Compote Candy Grass Canine Carat Cake Cheese and Quackers Crayfish Cocktail Delightful Dumplings
Chicken Lil' Kinz Cow Small Signature Golden Retriever Duck FrooFroo Fox Raccutie
Earth Oven Crayfish First Dog Doughnuts Fried Batcakes Garlicky Gazelle Tenderloin Gaur Garbure Googles Noodles
Kiwi Bird Siganture Portuguese Water Dog Black Cat Leopard Bengal Tiger Lil' Kinz Googles
Grilled Krill Thrill Jelly Bean Jam Jungle Sandwich Labracadabra Chow Leafy Splurge Lasagna Licorice Canapes
Blue Whale Jelly Bean Puppy Lil' Kinz Monkey Signature Labradoodle Lil' Kinz Lamb Lil' Kinz Black Poodle
Musty Mushrooms Peppermint Pinecone Polarberry Float Prehistoric Pie Rainbow Swirl Lollipop Roasted Mousemallows
Midnight Monster Red Squirrel Icy Mist Leopard Sabertooth Tiger Candy Googles Charcoal Cat
Savory Sweet Meat Treats Sherpa's Pie Shimmering Sapphire Skewers Spiky Sedge Soup Spotted Shrimp Scampi Tasty Eucalyptus Pastries
Brown Dog Himalayan Cat Griffin Reindeer Spotted Frog Koala
True Blue Bubble Soup Tuna Caramel Corn Wild Berry Pop Pastry Zebra Dog Charred Baseball Steak Biscuit Bruschetta
Blue Googles Lil' Kinz Gold and White Cat Violet Lion Cub Lil' Kinz Lion Brown Boston Terrier Tawny Pup


Wacky Cupcake Owl Cookie Farm Fresh Maple Dipped Apple Moon Pie Pink Valentine Candy Water Cooler Cup Sour Polarberry
Wacky Cupcake Seeds Owl Cookie Seeds Maple Dipped Apple Seeds Moon Pie Snack Machine Valentine Candy Crane Water Cooler Sour Polarberry Seeds


Prehistoric Pizza Primitive Pan Pizza Pig Out Pizza Prepperoni Pizza Purrfect Pizza Slice of Pizza Triple Cheese Pizza
Diggity Dino PSF Stegosaurus PSF Signature Pot Bellied Pig PSF Kinzville Academy Holiday Kitten PSF Slice of Pizza Mobile Wheel of WOW


I would like to give my Jelly Bean Pup, Digiorno, every pizza item in the game.

Pizza Pie Hat I Heart Pizza Apron Pizza Palace Restaurant Brick Pizza Oven Professional Pizza Dispenser Shopaholic Pizza Place Deep Dish Plane